Our Vision is of a church where...
...we are missional:

Reaching those feeling disenfranchised by “Church”.

Outward looking

Talking openly

Being fun and interactive.

Taking Sanctus to others.

Being transient and consistent.


Making our presence felt.

Sharing a unique appeal.

...we want to form relationships:

Bring together thoughtful people.

Develop strength through small groups.

Talk about God and God’s love for us.

Because both adults and children need to have community and friendships.

To gain greater understanding of the Bible from each other.

...we offer services that provide

A different way to worship.

Ways of seeking God.

Discussion and different points of view.

Diversity of topics

Creativity and artfulness.

Experiential times.

Shared food.

Contemporary media.

Somewhere for those that don’t get traditional church.

No communal singing!

...we would like to grow:

To be diverse.

To bring richness

Because it is essential to survival

Because there is strength in numbers.